Cheat Sheets™
Cheat Sheets™
Adhesive-backed sheets of closed-cell foam used to modify a seating system's overall fit, feel and function.
VARILITE Cheat Sheets are adhesive-backed sheets of closed-cell foam. Each package contains four pieces of foam measuring 10 x 10 inches (25 x 25 cm). Cheat Sheets can be cut with a blade or scissors and applied to a variety of surfaces.
Suggested Cheat Sheet Applications:
Simply cut the shaped desired, remove the adhesive backing and apply the Cheat Sheet to a clean, dry surface. Layer as needed and round off corners and edges. Apply a final, smooth layer.
A popular use for Cheat Sheets is customizing a VARILITE ProForm NX™ contoured base. Cheat Sheets are used to build up the medial thigh separator and laterals, smooth cut edges, and improve contact for overall pressure distribution.
Other Cheat Sheet Uses:
• Build contours on planar systems
• Modify back systems for kyphotic posture
• Pad or contour headrests, laterals, hip guides, ASIS bars, armrests
• Smooth sharp edges on wheelchairs or accessories
For available product dimensions, please refer to the pricelist.